Hope this post finds all of you in good health and enjoying your summer. I just wanted to drop in and say, I'm still here and trying to get things in order so I can do some crafting again. I still plan on returning, it just didn't happen when I thought it would.
I'm half way through stage 2 of cardiac rehab and although I can't change my circumstances I can make myself as strong as possible. I've mostly just been focused on my family and taking life day by day. My exciting news is that a wonderful person helped me by giving me the use of an electric wheelchair, so now I finally have freedom again. This means I can keep up with my friends and family and do many of the fun things I've always enjoyed.
Speaking of doing things that I enjoy, my husband and I are members of the Society for Creative Anachronism and while in our medieval clothes during a day of celebration recently, one of my favorite photos EVER was taken of us. I love when someone catches people at just the right moment. We had been rained on, I had no time for any makeup, I didn't brush my hair and I was wearing my glasses, but I don't even care. When it's perfect, it's perfect.
The title of my blog is Rare Bird in a Rare Flock, which is a phrase my cardiologist used when he gave me my diagnosis this past February.

For a few years now I have run a Facebook page
Heart Problems/Diseases which also provides information and is a source of new information as I come across it.
Anyway, I miss being creative and creating fun things with you and for you. Hope you'll hang in here with me.